
Jaspersoft studio for mac lost outline view
Jaspersoft studio for mac lost outline view

jaspersoft studio for mac lost outline view
  1. #Jaspersoft studio for mac lost outline view code
  2. #Jaspersoft studio for mac lost outline view windows

You can apply vertical document tabs in the following ways:Ĭhoose Tools > Options > Environment > Tabs and Windows from the menu bar. Now, you can manage your document tabs in a vertical list on either the left or right side of your editor. New in version 16.4: We added one of the top feature requests, vertical document tabs, in the Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 release. The file opens for editing if you modify it or choose Open. Preview files appear in a tab on the right side of the document tab well. You can preview files by choosing them in Solution Explorer, during debugging when you step into files, with Go to Definition, and when you browse through results of a search. In the Preview tab, you can view files in the editor without opening them. For example, you can view a preview of a file in the editor without opening the file, you can group your tabs, and more. You can use tabs to arrange your layout in several different ways. Click Remove Split on the Window menu to restore the single view. To divide your document into two independently scrolling sections, click Split on the Window menu. When you have to view or edit two locations at once in a document, you can split windows.

jaspersoft studio for mac lost outline view jaspersoft studio for mac lost outline view

For example, you can display more than one web browser window, and you can create additional instances of some tool windows by choosing New Window on the Window menu. You can display more than one instance of certain tool windows at a time. Right click on a window tab or title bar to see additional options for that specific window. The Window menu shows options for docking, floating, and hiding windows in the IDE. Right-click on the tab or title bar to set other options on the window. Document windows can be dragged by their tab. Tool windows can be resized and dragged by their title bar.

#Jaspersoft studio for mac lost outline view code

Document windows contain source code files, arbitrary text files, config files, and so on. Tool windows include Solution Explorer, Server Explorer, Output Window, Error List, the designers, the debugger windows, and so on. The IDE has two basic window types, tool windows and document windows. For example, you could create a layout for editing and a layout for debugging, and switch between them by using the Window > Apply Window Layout menu command. You can also name and save a custom layout and then switch between layouts with a single command. For example, if you change the docking location of Solution Explorer and then close Visual Studio, the next time that you open Visual Studio, even if you're working on another computer, Solution Explorer will be docked in that same location. When you customize the layout, the IDE remembers it. In Visual Studio, you can customize the position, size, and behavior of windows to create window layouts that work best for various development workflows.

Jaspersoft studio for mac lost outline view